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Sheep Section

Entries to:  Jackie Jones, The Wern Farm, Pool Quay, Welshpool, SY21 9LQ

07914 377722


Prizes: 1st £6, 2nd £4, 3rd £2

Judges: Clive Roberts, Helen Roberts and John Pryce

Judging of all sheep classes starts at 10am


Entries Close: Thursday 3 August 2023


  • Maedi Visna Accredited Sheep Section – Sheep will only be allowed into the Maedi Visna accredited section of the show on the production of a valid certificate of accreditation (SAC Form) at the time of entry to the showground.

  • Scheme sheep must be loaded and unloaded at the point specified and must be halter led.

  • There must be a two-metre space maintained at all times between scheme and non-scheme sheep.

  • Scheme sheep must not be transported in the same vehicle as non-scheme sheep.

Any Continental Breed (Judge: Clive Roberts)

  1. Ram (any age)

  2. Ram lamb (born 2023)

  3. Ewe (Shearling or older)

  4. Theave lamb (born 2023)

Any Native Breed (Judge: Helen Roberts)

  1. Ram (any age)

  2. Ram lamb (born 2023)

  3. Ewe (Shearling or older)

  4. Theave lamb (born 2023)


Other Classes (Judge class 11 and 12 Helen Roberts, class 13 and 14 Clive Roberts)

  1. Best Young Handler age 16 years and under

  2. Best Sheep Fleece (any breed)

  3. Two Prime Lambs Native Bred

  4. Two Prime Lambs Continental Bred

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